17 Subjective well-being measure description

This is a subjective well-being measure from the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) (Diener and Ryan 2009) that asks about natural science, computers and technology, engineering, and math interest. This is a 12-item measure scored on a 5-point Likert frequency scale from 1 = “Very rarely or never to 5 =”Very often or always”. Six items are positive emotions and six are negative emotions.

Qualtrics scores each of the two types of emotions internally, as well as an emotional balance score. Positive and negative scores each range from 6-30, and the balance score ranges from -24 to +24.

17.1 Example items

Prompt: Over the past four weeks, how much you did you experience each of the following feelings?

Afraid? [negative]

Joyful? [positive]

Angry? [negative]

17.2 Variable Names

  • Negative emotions score = NegScore
  • Positive emotions score = PosScore
  • Balance score = BalanceScore

How to combine datasets

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Diener, Ed, and Katherine Ryan. 2009. “Subjective Well-Being: A General Overview.” South African Journal of Psychology 39 (4): 391–406.