11 Pattern Identification (Matrices)

This study is a version of the Raven’s Progressive Matrix Test measure (Matzen et al. 2010). It uses a subset of Matzen et al.’s measure and has 26 items. The measure is used to access pattern identification of pattern completion and/or shape, shade, number, and/or orientation changes and can be used to measure visuospatial ability. Items get progressively more difficult as the test progresses.

11.1 Variable Names

This study produces a single score, with a maximum of 26 and a minimum of 0. The score variable name is SC0.

How to combine datasets


Matzen, Laura E, Zachary O Benz, Kevin R Dixon, Jamie Posey, James K Kroger, and Ann E Speed. 2010. “Recreating Raven’s: Software for Systematically Generating Large Numbers of Raven-Like Matrix Problems with Normed Properties.” Behavior Research Methods 42 (2): 525–41.