5 Big Five Scale description

This is the Mini-IPIP Big Five measure by Donnellan et al. (2006). It is a brief 20-item measure, with four items per trait, two items per trait reverse-coded (RC). It is scored on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = “Strongly Disagree” to 5 = “Strongly Agree”.

5.1 Example Items

Am the life of the party (E)

Sympathize with others’ feelings (A)

Get chores done right away (C)

Have frequent mood swings (N)

Have a vivid imagination (O)

5.2 Variable names for each factor

5.2.1 Extroversion

  • Q7_1
  • Q8_2 (RC)
  • Q9_3
  • Q10_4 (RC)
  • Total score = SC1

5.2.2 Agreeableness

  • Q7_2
  • Q8_3 (RC)
  • Q9_4
  • Q11_1 (RC)
  • Total score = SC2

5.2.3 Conscientiousness

  • Q7_3
  • Q8_4 (RC)
  • Q10_1
  • Q11_2 (RC)
  • Total score = SC3

5.2.4 Neuroticism

  • Q7_4
  • Q9_1 (RC)
  • Q10_2
  • Q11_3 (RC)
  • Total score = SC4

5.2.5 Openness to Experience

  • Q8_1
  • Q9_2 (RC)
  • Q10_3
  • Q11_4 (RC)
  • Total score = SC5


Donnellan, M Brent, Frederick L Oswald, Brendan M Baird, and Richard E Lucas. 2006. “The Mini-IPIP Scales: Tiny-yet-Effective Measures of the Big Five Factors of Personality.” Psychological Assessment 18 (2): 192.