10 MARSI Scale description

This is the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (Mokhtari, Dimitrov, and Reichard 2018). It is a 15-item measure, with 5 items per metacognitive strategy. All items are positively worded on a 5-point familiarity Likert scale (scale points are listed below), meaning that each strategy is scored by adding up all points per item. Scores can range from 0-4 per item and 0-20 per strategy. The combined score ranges from 0-60.

The Qualtrics survey scores each strategy internally, so you will only need to pull the combined scores for each strategy for your analyses.

10.1 The Likert Scale Descriptions

  • 0 = I have never heard of this strategy before.

  • 1 = I have heard of this strategy, but I don’t know what it means.

  • 2 = I have heard of this strategy, and I think I know what it means.

  • 3 = I know this strategy, and I can explain how and when to use it.

  • 4 = I know this strategy quite well, and I often use it when I read.

10.2 Example items

Previewing the text to see what it is about before reading it (global)

Guessing the meaning of unknown words or phrases (problem solving)

Taking notes while reading (support)

10.3 Strategy Variable Names

  • Global reading strategies = GlobalScore

  • Problem-solving strategies = ProblemScore

  • Support reading strategies = SupportScore

  • Total score (combined) = Scoring


Mokhtari, Kouider, Dimiter M Dimitrov, and Carla A Reichard. 2018. “Revising the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI) and Testing for Factorial Invariance.”