6 RIASEC Scale description

This is the Holland’s vocational codes measure by Holland (2006). It is a 42-item measure, with seven items per interest. All items are positively worded, meaning that each vocational interest is scored by adding up all points per item. Items are scored on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = “Strongly Disagree” to 5 = “Strongly Agree”.

The Qualtrics survey scores each interest internally, so you will only need to pull the combined scores for each vocational interest for your analyses.

6.1 Example Items

I like to work on cars (R)

I like to do puzzles (I)

I am good at working independently (A)

I like to work in teams (S)

I am an ambitious person; I set goals for myself (E)

I like to organize things (files, desks/offices) (C)

6.2 Interest and Variable Names

  • Realistic = SC1

  • Investigative = SC2

  • Artistic = SC3

  • Social = SC4

  • Enterprising = SC5

  • Conventional = SC6

How to combine datasets