8 Goal Orientation description

This is the goal orientation measure (Elliot and Church 1997). It is a 18-item measure on a 7-point Likert scale from 1 = “Very untrue of me” to 7 = “Very true of me”. There are 6 items for each of the three orientations: performance (approach), learning, and avoidance.

Qualtrics scores the measure internally, so you can merge the score variables into your own data set. Scores range from 6-42 for each orientation.

8.1 Example items

It is important to me to do better than the other students. (performance approach)

I want to learn as much as possible. (learning)

I often think to myself, “What if I do badly in this class?’’ (avoidance)

8.2 Variable Names

  • Total combined score = SC0


Elliot, Andrew J, and Marcy A Church. 1997. “A Hierarchical Model of Approach and Avoidance Achievement Motivation.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72 (1): 218.