7 Science knowledge measure description

Science knowledge is measured on an 18-item measure (O’Reilly and McNamara 2007). The measure contains three sub-scales: Earth Science (7 items), Experimental/Lab Science (6 items), and Scientific Measurement (5 items). Each item has 4 response options and only one correct answer.

7.1 Example items

  • The lowest level of the earth’s atmosphere is the... [troposphere (correct response); stratosphere; air; ozone]. (earth science)

  • For any laboratory experiment, what should be the first step? [Form a hypothesis; State the problem (correct response); Perform the experiment; Write the conclusion.] (experimental/lab science)

  • Which of the following numbers represents the ratio of 10 to 1? [10/1 (correct response); 10-1; 1/10; 1*10] (scientific measurement)

7.2 Variable names

  • Total science knowledge score = SC0

  • Experimental/Lab Science = SC1

  • Scientific Measurement = SC2

  • Earth Science = SC3


O’Reilly, Tenaha, and Danielle S McNamara. 2007. “The Impact of Science Knowledge, Reading Skill, and Reading Strategy Knowledge on More Traditional ‘High-Stakes’ Measures of High School Students’ Science Achievement.” American Educational Research Journal 44 (1): 161–96.