3 Anxiety scale description

Anxiety is a 10-item measure from the HEXACO public domain measure (Ashton, Lee, and Goldberg 2007; Lee and Ashton 2004). Five variables are negatively coded (the higher the score, the greater the anxiety), and conversely, five are positively coded on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 = “Does not describe me” to 5 = “Describes me extremely well”.

Qualtrics calculates the total anxiety score (where a higher number is greater anxiety internally). The total score can range from 10-50.

3.1 Example items

I often worry about things that turn out to be unimportant.

I rarely worry. (RC)

3.2 Variable names

3.2.1 Negatively coded

anxiety_1_1 through anxiety_1_5

3.2.2 Positively coded

anxiety_2_1 through anxiety_2_5

3.3 Total Score

Total anxiety score = SC0

How to combine datasets


Ashton, Michael C, Kibeom Lee, and Lewis R Goldberg. 2007. “The IPIP–HEXACO Scales: An Alternative, Public-Domain Measure of the Personality Constructs in the HEXACO Model.” Personality and Individual Differences 42 (8): 1515–26.
Lee, Kibeom, and Michael C Ashton. 2004. “Psychometric Properties of the HEXACO Personality Inventory.” Multivariate Behavioral Research 39 (2): 329–58.