2 Demographics

The demographic survey is made available to learners as a part of their sign-up process on Kinetic. We preface the demographic survey with reference to our intention of using the information to address issues of inequities in educational opportunities and outcomes.

All questions have an opt-out option to give learners agency to whatever information they would like to voluntarily share with us.

2.1 Variable names

qname description data_type1 data_type2
Start Date Start Date POSIXct POSIXt
EndDate End Date POSIXct POSIXt
Progress Progress numeric numeric
Duration (in seconds) Duration (in seconds) numeric numeric
Finished Finished logical logical
RecordedDate Recorded Date POSIXct POSIXt
ResponseId Response ID character character
ExternalReference External Data Reference logical logical
DistributionChannel Distribution Channel character character
UserLanguage User Language character character
Q15_Browser Click to write the question text - Browser character character
Q15_Version Click to write the question text - Version character character
Q15_Operating System Click to write the question text - Operating System character character
Q15_Resolution Click to write the question text - Resolution character character
kinetic_source How did you find Kinetic? - Selected Choice ordered factor
kinetic_source_6_TEXT How did you find Kinetic? - Other - Text character character
year What year were you born? (Please enter 0000 if you prefer not to share.) character character
gender What is your gender identity? ordered factor
race_9 Which racial/ethnic backgrounds do you identify as? - White character character
race_10 Which racial/ethnic backgrounds do you identify as? - Black or African American character character
race_11 Which racial/ethnic backgrounds do you identify as? - American Indian or Alaska Native character character
race_12 Which racial/ethnic backgrounds do you identify as? - Asian character character
race_13 Which racial/ethnic backgrounds do you identify as? - Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander character character
race_14 Which racial/ethnic backgrounds do you identify as? - Hispanic or Latinx character character
race_15 Which racial/ethnic backgrounds do you identify as? - Other character character
race_16 Which racial/ethnic backgrounds do you identify as? - Prefer not to say character character
language What was the first language you learned to speak? - Selected Choice ordered factor
language_3_TEXT What was the first language you learned to speak? - Other - Text character character
grade What is the highest grade or degree you have completed? ordered factor
first-gen Did your parents attend college? ordered factor
employed_4 What is your current status? Check all that apply. - Selected Choice - Student character character
employed_5 What is your current status? Check all that apply. - Selected Choice - Employed character character
employed_6 What is your current status? Check all that apply. - Selected Choice - Homemaker or caregiver character character
employed_7 What is your current status? Check all that apply. - Selected Choice - Retired character character
employed_8 What is your current status? Check all that apply. - Selected Choice - Other character character
employed_9 What is your current status? Check all that apply. - Selected Choice - Prefer not to say character character
employed_8_TEXT What is your current status? Check all that apply. - Other - Text character character
lunches Have you ever qualified for free or reduced lunches through your school? ordered factor
zip What is the zip code of your primary residence? (Please enter 00000 if you prefer not to share or if you do not live in the US.) character character
research_id research_id character character
return_to_url return_to_url character character
is_testing is_testing logical logical
age age numeric numeric